
As a Shamanic Practitioner I am vested with various tools, such as feathers, feather fans, rattles and other sacred objects that are used in cleansing, clearing and cord cutting. I often go into trance to tune into your energy fields and “see” what needs to be gently coaxed off you and transmuted. Sessions vary from person to person. A drum journey completes the session. Online sessions are similar; time and space is immaterial to Spirit and so these are equally effective. For more information, please email me.

A soul retrieval is a powerful spiritual practice that heals soul loss. Soul loss can occur as a result of trauma in our life or be carried over from previous lifetimes. For example, we may experience soul loss if we are in an accident, undergo a serious operation or if we suddenly lose a close friend or family member.

From a shamanic perspective, soul loss is a common cause of illness. Traditionally, a shamanic practitioner would conduct a soul retrieval within three days of someone experiencing trauma. Today, modern shamanic practitioners seek lost soul parts that are willing to return from any point in life.

Distant Soul Retrieval Journeys are also possible. The format is slightly different. For more information on either one, or both, of these offerings, please email me.

This type of session uses a Card Spread Divination, and a Drum Journey will be sent to you. This is an equally  powerful Service if you need some guidance with an issue. For more information, please email me.

 “Bits in Basket”. An illustrated poem of triumph over adversity. For women aged 1 to 100 years.  Available in South Africa via Takealot and internationally at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, in both eBook and printed format. Please see links below:



Barnes and Noble

Right Relation
School of Transformation

There are many times in life where we find ourselves lost, or at a juncture where change is needed but we feel ‘stuck’ or unsure how to move forward. These crossroads are opportunities for important life changes yet are often reached or ignored without due cognisance. A Transition Ceremony honours where you have been and where you wish to go. Based in nature, this ceremony is designed specifically for you, and is a powerful way to assist you in moving forward with greater clarity and strength.

This is a powerful ceremony that I only offer  once you have attended at least two sessions with me and participated in a soul retrieval. What is needed for this powerful ceremony is radical self-acceptance, an understanding of your deepest Shadows, and Light. For more information, please email me.

  • House and Land blessings. 
  • Pipe Prayers. As an official Pipe carrier, I am able to offer prayers for both community and personal needs
  • Wedding Blessings. 
  • 2 – 3 days Vision Quests for small groups 
  • Bespoke ceremonies for special occasion

This includes a Medicine Walk into the mountains or on a route that Spirit has shown me to walk with you. This is conducted in utter silence as you are on a vision quest asking Mother Earth for further guidance. For more information, please email me.


Get in Touch


+27 84 408 9719


Scarborough, Cape Town

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